We decided to head down Potash Rd and see how far we could get in the Spark. Wow...it was pretty damn impressive! You first hit a gravel road and then once you reach the Potash mine you see this sign.....

Then things get rough with real rocky inclines/declines on dirt. We got some crazy looks from the jeeps/off road vehicles but Jordan's ranch road driving skills (from his youth on their cattle ranch) came in handy. We had a great time and just went as far as we could before decided things were getting a little too sketchy for our little car. There were some great views and it was super fun to see things this far out.

Have you visited the San Rafael Swell? I bet you'd enjoy biking to the Wedge/Little Grand Canyon lookoff. If you do, Buckhorn RV park in Huntington should be finished just 30 minutes away!
The photo with the snowy mountain behind the red rock is so wild. And the one right before it, looking through the canyon is just breathtaking. The colors are so lovely. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! 😊
There were a couple of times I had to remember to breathe! It was super cool to get out there and see some views we couldn't hike to.
Didn't realize you guys were so strong haha
😂 way to go dad! I would have loved to see your mad skills. I would have been impressed 😃